Training like a Gator: University of Florida pools.
Video courtesy of Ryan Rosenbaum and Florida Swim Network.
A look around University of Florida from the air
To all my friends around the world
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Archivi tag: University of Florida
Florida Gators – 2013-14 All Sports Highlight Video
It’s the first Saturday of August – just back in Italy but I already miss the Gator Nation. I would like to share with you the 2013-14 all-sports highlight UF Gator video! #ItsGreatUF CLICK
Pubblicato in BLOG, Il mio Diario
Contrassegnato Florida Gators, University of Florida
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My First NCAA Championships with the Gators
Gators NCAA Championships Video Highlights My first NCAA Championships experience is concluded. I am very grateful to the University of Florida and the Athletic Department for enrolling me in their excellent collegiate program. Thank you from my heart to Gregg …
Pubblicato in BLOG, Il mio Diario, Le mie gare
Contrassegnato Andrea Mitchell D'Arrigo, Florida Gators, NCAA Championships, University of Florida
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Italiani Stelle&Strisce – Corriere dello Sport
Dear friends, dal Mizzou Aquatic Center di Columbia (Missouri), dove si è appena concluso il dual meet tra i Mizzou Tigers ed i Florida Gators, con grande piacere vi segnalo l’articolo pubblicato dal Corriere dello Sport il 15 ottobre scorso. …
Pubblicato in BLOG, Header, Il mio Diario, News
Contrassegnato Andrea Mitchell D'Arrigo, Corriere dello Sport, Gators, Gregg Troy, NCAA, University of Florida
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Florida Gators Swimming 2013-2014 Pump Up Video
The Florida Gators men’s and women’s swimming and diving teams are ready to start the 2013-2014 season. Are you?
Pubblicato in BLOG, Il mio Diario, News
Contrassegnato Andrea Mitchell D'Arrigo, Florida Gators, University of Florida
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